Thursday, February 25, 2010

Looking back.........

"Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy."-Proverbs 14:10

I read the above Bible verse a few days ago,and I think it was on the very same day that I spent a little quality time by myself in one of my favourite secluded areas of my university, EFLU.Prior to this I had a nice little walk around our little campus seeing its numerous sights:The Girls Hostel(now,now,it's not what you think!),Sagars, the half constructed buildings,the dogs running around with the cute lil' puppies not far behind,the lush green lawns,the acad block and so on.This little walking in circles ended at my favourite spot on the first floor.All through this time i had my MP4 plugged to my ear with some of my favourite songs,shutting out all external cacophonical interference.

If you ask why I had this evening of solitude,well I guess it was one of those days when I was having a real rough and restless day with noting working out(which is common as I usually don't have things working out for me).My friends were all too busy doing their work,so there was no one available to hang out with... but anyway,it was one of those days where I really wanted to spend some time by myself, thinking...doing kinda like a little....introspection.....

Life has been given a lot of definitions and quotes have been made by various people,the one's I like the most, I end up puttin' 'em up as my FB status updates.I wonder how they came up with such beautifully thought out stuff.Anyway,dropping all that, I need to come back to the lil' tryst with my ego...

Like I was saying I spent time looking at the people go by,the office workers rushing to go back home after a long day,our dean carrying her heavy bag to her car, random guys and girls chatting up in different nooks and corners and thought about certain questions like: What am i doing with my life? Was I right or wrong? Why am i such a lazy bugger? Why is there so much pressure? Why do emotions play tricks on me? why is today such a bad day? Why am I terrified? and much more....

I spent about an hour looking for answers...the restless day got even more restless...and some really emo songs didn't help either....anger and disappointment welled up inside me, I almost cried...
Well these questions do swarm over my mind very often....according to my friends i'm a very emo guy,to which I agree to an extent....just the way I am sometimes...I hope to get stronger in that sense as I grow and experience more of the world....

One by one I took myself on a flashback, a rewinding of all I did that day,that week,that month...the then I went back to my childhood days,the days I cherish the most,being cared and protected by my parents and two sisters who always advised me,corrected me and told me what to do....the times of fun i had in school etc....thinking about all this and more suddenly brought a warm feeling and gradually a smile on my face and lo,there comes a very cheerful song on my MP4!
I started grinning from ear to ear, I had got what I wanted! A little cheer among all this monotonic sadness....I walked back,with the bluish-purple sky above me looking as pretty as ever above me,to my theatre of dreams(my room) keeping that smile upon my face.

God has been so good.He's brought me thus far,given me opportunities,and blessed me beyond measure.But sometimes I wonder why he left me with so many questions to answer.I didn't get many answered that day,but I learnt some lessons.Sometimes it is a good idea to sit or have a walk by yourself and introspect.Sometimes, you'll learn many of life's secrets while you're at it. I Learnt one that day after a while.(well it isn't such a big great secret but anyway, I gotta end this post,so here goes....)

Problems are here to stay.It's up to you to stay cribbing or smiling it away and taking it one at a time.Doing a little introspection once in a while can probably make a little difference if not a big one.

Sorry for this being not such a great post and being a little preachy and boring,but I've had quite a bad and restless day.....might need to get back to my favourite spot on the first floor...leaving this post with my favorite quote by Ashley Smith:

“Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.”
PS-Hope to write a better post next time.... :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Life as of now!

Dad screaming in my ear...Stomach grumbling with hunger...Assignments to do...Birthday treat...Bad grades...Broke...Sleepy during the lecture...Appreciation from the prof...'She' hardly notices me...Clothes to wash...A bad cold...Mom moaning that I forgot her......Fooled....Pickle...Bread omelette...'She' smiles at me...Basketball...Jogging...Limbs aching...Irritating roomie...Horrible mess food...Fever...Classes....Bandh...Classes...Weekend...Exams...Argument...Ice cream date...Restlessness...Phasing out...No balance..Puppies....The whole place is in smoke...Can't breathe...Expectations from everywhere...pressure building...Crappy film...Nice Chat...I make up with 'her'...Free advice...Prayer...Bossed around...Walking...Poetry....untimely wit...Lazy..unlucky always....No morning paper....friends....No network...Lost...Stammering...Crying...Joking...Football...Confusion...'She' ditches me for another guy...Money in my account...Good grades...Stupid teacher...Music...Sister calls boozing and doping....Shopping....New chic....Butterflies in the stomach...Decisions....Chinese food...Spanish.... Senti...Great movie...Presentation...Laughed at...Screw up...Work...Home...Hurt...Is she the one?...Fighting off demons....Church...Clumsiness......I love her or do I........Emo songs...Push ups...Thin....Debts.......>.........>.......

Well this could go on,but I stop here for now.This journey called life goes on....